Friday, June 19, 2009

SpongeBob giveaway

Fun Giveaway: Spongebob Humidifier by Crane

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March of Dimes Walk coming up

March of dimes

On Jan. 21st, 2004 Zander was born :) I was full term and no idea anything was wrong until I stopped feeling him move. I was rushed to the OR for an emergency c-section. Doctors were able to revive him and he fought hard for the next 2 weeks to live. Zander came home weighing just 3.2 pounds. Zander fought hard and is now an amazing 5 year old boy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm all about God!

Zander is REALLY into religion these days since his start at a Lutheran preschool. So he's been writing letter to God, writing songs for God, everything is God this and God that. Scott was telling Zander about Buddha and Zander was like "Hey. you may be into Buddha, but I'm down with God."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Zander took a lot of interest in the election this year....maybe
because Mommy was Obamainized?! He insisited on
watching the debates and watching videos for information
on-line. He tracked the election trail and hung signs.
Then we went to an Obama rally and Zander saw
Obama. Then he decided he wanted to help so he canvassed
and participated in veryway an (almost) 5 year old can. Zander
was elated when Obama was elected, although he did not cry
like mommy did. Zander was really intrested in the political
process and in learning about Mommy's personal hero- MLK Jr.

More pics and video's
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Thursday, October 30, 2008


Zanders version of caring for his new pets: "Wake up! Wake up gerbils, the sun is down and you're mommy. WAKE UP!" Zander named his three new gerbil pets: Obama, Aunt Sue, & Jacob :)
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